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"A cozy, entertaining historical spy story." Kirkus Reviews
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Storming into the London Blitz, Mrs. Braithwaite has to find her missing daughter Betty. She drags along the reluctant Mr. Norris along as an unwitting sidekick as they try to piece together Betty’s unexpectedly chaotic life.
As she is thrown into the midst of danger and death, Mrs. Braithwaite is forced to rethink her old-fashioned notions and reconsider the question that’s been puzzling her: How do you measure the success of your life?
Readers will be charmed by the unforgettable Mrs. Braithwaite and her plucky, ruthless optimism, and find in The Spies of Shilling Lane a novel with surprising twists and turns, quiet humor, and a poignant examination of mothers and daughters and the secrets we keep.
"If it's suspense you want, look no further than this quick and delightful mystery."
New York Times
"This is a crisp and energetic book, a suspense story that explores our darker sides without drowning us."
"Readers will want to know what Mrs. Braithwaite and Mr. Norris will get up to next. A cozy, entertaining historical spy story."
Kirkus Reviews
“With its eccentric, believable characters and plot of home front intrigue, this delightful drama will appeal to fans of Martha Hall Kelly.”
Publisher's Weekly
“There is a good deal of fun in this cozy caper, and fans of The Chilbury Ladies' Choir will eat it up.”
Quotes from the book
"We only have one life.
One chance for happiness."
"Sometimes we forget that we can choose whether we want joy or cynicism. Let’s pick joy."
"When your mother dies, it feels as if the earth you stand on collapses beneath you."
"Sometimes you have to feel grateful for what you have, see the good, and only the good."
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